Industrial tourist spot in Nagoya

Hello friends ,

Main traditional industry of Nagoya is manufacturing , and one of the main stream is to make a car products for TOYOTA.

Originally TOYOTA made machines for weaving and Mr.Sakichi Toyoda , founder of TOYOTA Group originally invented automatic loom , Non-Stop Shuttle Change Toyoda Automatic Loom, Type G.

I strongly recommend to visit ”Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology" to know the history of TOYOTA group and also can understand how loom has been developed with real machines from old ages.

Before Meiji Era (1867), during Edo Era , "Machanical doll" has been invented in this are , it means in Nagoya or Aichi Prefecture,  there had been the culture of Machinery Industry.

The doll would serve japanese tea to the guest automatically ...

Also "Zero-fighter" is invented in Nagoya , before WWⅡ by Mitsubishi.
I would like to write about this plane someday.

Thank you and see you.wrote too much today.
